Young implantologist's presentation

Dr. Hye Jin Nam

23 AUG 13:10

Soft tissue augmentation easy technique after implant placement

Dr. Andres Marquez Guzman

23 AUG 13:20

Digital Planning to Rehabilitate a failed PFM Bridge using Implants.

Dr. Sang-Se Kim

23 AUG 13:40

Sinus lift without bone grafting : 10-year follow-up

Dr. Paul Lee

23 AUG 13:50

Predictable Full Mouth Implant Prosthetics.

Dr. Ju Hyun Park

24 AUG 13:20

Various choices to the bone defects

Dr. Ken Yosida

24 AUG 13:30

Simplify Immediate Placement with sticky bone

Dr. Jazmin Lui

24 AUG 13:40

Case Study in Using Tenting Screw Abutments for Guided Bone Regeneration

Dr. Rico Martin Gerochi

24 AUG 13:50

Digitally Designed Custom Meshes for Guided Bone Regeneration

Dr. Scott Jung

24 AUG 14:00

Socket Shield Technique: the ultimate answer to esthetic buccal contour